Thursday, October 18, 2012

One Month Down...

Hello friends, I hope this Thursday finds you well. You're probably sleeping, which makes me jealous because this new work routine involving being coherent by 8:30 am has been possibly one of the rougher adjustments I've faced. The past three years at preschool didn't require me to be coherent until the much more civil hour of 10:45. The exhaustion is also directly related to the difficult transition to life without a box fan. As many of you know, my love of a good box fan runs deep, bordering on addiction. I've finally mastered the falling asleep part, but get woken up by traffic and people early in the morning. As a result, I've developed a deep hatred for motorcycles. There's no reason to own something that loud unless you are involved in some type of parade. And handing out candy.

Tomorrow marks one month of being in France, and I'm pleased to report that I think I'm finally getting a minor grasp of things. It's sort of been a one step forward two steps back kind of thing. I feel like I'm understanding things or have a good interaction with a French person, and then five minutes later I have no idea what's going on again. For example, this Monday I was feeling pleased at how smoothly things had gone, and then the two hour lunch rolled around. I have been eating in the teachers lounge, which has been quite a challenge because everyone talks fast and uses slang I am not familiar with, and there are usually 5 conversations going on at once. At the end of the two hour lunch, I feel pretty exhausted. One of the teachers wanted to discuss the differences between the French and American political system and had lots of questions about how candidates are chosen in America. I consider myself a politically aware and interested person, but came across more like Kim Kardashian, who we all know has not quite mastered the art of reading. With practice, hopefully that improves and I won't appear quite so cognitively disabled. I have been trying to talk to kids at recess because it's much less degrading and intimidating to practice with them, and when they correct me I know they're doing so without judgement. Embarrassing myself in front of kids is something I'm quite used to. After all, I taught kids the canopener this summer, demonstration included. Not everyone gets to see that kind of class. You're welcome, kids. Today I have not embarrassed myself at all (so far. It is only 1:15), and rewarded myself by downloading one episode of Arrested Development. Tonight is going to be real exciting.

Last weekend, another assistant and I went to Bordeaux to visit the sand dunes on the Atlantic coast. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. On the other side of the dunes was a beautiful view of miles of dense forest. I instagramed the crap out of it. Example: 

We took the train back to Bordeaux and spent the evening walking around and eating, two of my favorite activities. Bordeaux is a beautiful and appropriately sized city. It's a college town of about 200,00, and has a very young and international feel. I was wishing I lived there, but returning to Perigueux the next day felt good, deserted though it may be on a Sunday. What it lacks in size, however, it makes up for in beauty. Yesterday I went for a long walk down the river and was amazed at how beautiful it was. I had never walked much past the city limits, and the views I found a couple of miles down the river were quite impressive. Example: 

And I have about 20 more where those come from. Picking between them was harder than when I'm asked red or white wine. Wine is like children, they all deserve love. How can you pick? Regardless, if you come visit me, we can take a romantic stroll down there. You know you want to. 

Time to head to the store now,  I have the afternoon off and 14 classes of children are expecting Halloween parties next week. They seem to know what Halloween is, but don't really celebrate. They are most excited about the prospect of candy, but 14 classes x 25 kids = no. After Halloween bonanza, however, it's two weeks of vacation, and Prague, Vienna and Switzerland time! To all my binders full of women, I hope you have a tremendous weekend. To all my trapper keepers full of men, do the same. 


  1. 1. I hope you have read Me Talk Pretty One Day, and if not, do it!
    2. It seemed like Austrian adults knew what Halloween was, in the sense that Americans know what St. Patrick's day is. People generally dressed in black or had one weird accessory, and then drank. So when a bunch of us had COMPLETE COSTUMES, complete with titles and sometimes even a theme shared with several people, they thought we were amazing. So you should go all out.

  2. Good to know! And yes, read and loved 'me talk pretty one day'. Read every David Sedaris publication afterward.
